dimecres, 31 d’octubre del 2012

Multiple Intelligences

Some of the career choices that said that were suitable for my intelegances were psycologist and biologit. I realy like these two jobs because I really like trying to help people and talking to people, and I also really lik nature and animals. When I grow up I want to be a marine biologit,so I amb rellay hapy with the results. I think that having a big interpersonal intelegance will help me with this job too because I can explain to poeple the importance of marin life.

divendres, 26 d’octubre del 2012

The animal in me

Collective Term:
A cauldron of bats

Famous Bats 

Gypsy Rose Lee

After reading the text, I do agree that I could be a bat. I would love to be a psychiatrist or a Social worker. I like to help people and think that I undertsand them. But I don't think that I am a vry nocturnal peron. I also like the idea of working or my self without anyone giving me orders and being abble to work the hours that suit myself. 

Careers and Hobbies   
Social Worker


dimarts, 23 d’octubre del 2012

Memoirs of a teenage amnesiac

Naomi, is a teenage girl with a normal life until she falls down the stairs of her high school and hits her head. Because of that, she loses all of her memory for the past 4 years. She doesn't remember anything at all, and that is really bad news for her since a lot of things had happened during those years: her parents divorce, new step-dad and step-mother, new litle sister,all the years of school, boyfriend, best friends, driving license, everything.

Luckily her best friend (or ex-best friend) Will is there to help her try to remeber and explains everything she doesn't remeber. There is also James, the mysterious boy that helped her when she fell ,which little by little she is falling in love with. Everything is so confusing for her, expecially since she has changed completely and doesn't fit in with her old friends or boyfriend, Ace, anymore. But change isn't all bad for her, she changes her attitude towards her mum and dad, that makes a good change.Even though she has all of these problems, she finds her way and finds herself again.

In the end she gets her memory back, but chooses not to say anything, because it wouldn't really make a difference, or that is what she thinks.I loved this book, but I found the end quite disapointing. It could have been a lot better.

Better ending:

In my better ending I would change the way she remembers everything, because it is to short and easy for all the build up of the story. I also would  of liked that Naomi explained everything she remembered to Will, and say that she remembers the kiss they had the night before she fell. I would like her to say sorry to him, and thank him  for always helping her. I also would like her to tell Will why she fell (she didn't slip, she jumped to save the  year-book camera) since I think it would meen a lot to Will.
I also think she should tell her dad, since he has worried about her and cared for her a lot. I think he deserves to know that she is better.

divendres, 19 d’octubre del 2012

The world's best photo.


In the photo that I have chosen you can see a baby that looks asian and she has a deformaton on her head. The baby is lying on a chair that has a cushion on it . She is raped in a pice of blue-green material and there are some clothes hanging of it. The room that she is in isn't very nice, it looks dirty, as if she was in a house of someone with not a lot of money. A part from the chair, there is ony a little white table. She is completly alone. I think that the photographer wanted it this way, to tell us and transmit to us that she is lonely. That is why the light if concentrated on the baby and nothing else.

This photo makes me sad because she looks so lonely. Aparently the baby is an orfen from Nepal, that has an illness that makes her have water in her brain. No one wanted her, so she went to an orphanig. She didn't even have a name, they just called her "big-head". But one day a photogropher from Denmark met her, and was so shocked by what was wrong with her head that she decided to help her and pay for her operation. Eveen though the photographer loved the baby, wich she named Victoria after victorius, because in her eyes she was a victory, she had to go back to Denmark. She was told  that Victoria had died after the operation. I feel so sorry for Victoria, and so sad because of the hard and short ife she had.

divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012

My dreams

My dream for the future is to have a good job and a happy family life.
The most important thing  to me is to have a job I love doing, if not I won't be happy.  I also have the dream to have a family life, because I love children, and I would love to have 2 daughters, to be abble to do girly things with them like my mum did and does with me.
The biggest challange for me will be getting good grades to be abble to do what I want to do and be abbleto get in to a good university.
I want to have a good job with something to do with animals. I would love to be a marine biologist, and travel the world.
Even though I know it will be difficult, I know that if I work hard enough and study enough I will be abble to do what I want.